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Education Strategies

Tuesday September 13, 2022 - 17:35 to 18:35

Room: CF-6

345.10 I-DTI: Second Opinion Platform related to Organ Donation and Transplantation

Marian Irazabal, Spain

ICU Consultant
DTI Foundation


I-DTI: second opinion platform related to organ donation and transplantation

Estephan Arredondo1, Marian Irazabal1, Carlos López 1, Marco Sacchi1,2, Jordi Colomer1, Chloë Ballesté1, Martí Manyalich1.

1Donation and Transplantation Institute (DTI Foundation), Barcelona, Spain; 2ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milano, Italy

Introduction: Donation and Transplantation Institute (DTI Foundation) is a non-profit organization allocated in Barcelona, Spain that aims to raise organ donation and transplantation (ODT) rates worldwide. Main activities are Transplant Procurement Management (TPM) training programs, performed since 1991 and involved more than 17.000 professionals from 100 countries. Also, supporting innovation, cooperation, and research projects in the area. Ever since hundreds of professionals have been asking for DTI’s assessment in ODT management.  Disorganized consultancies, non-confidential channels, and delay in response were the challenges DTI faced. Accompanying digitalization era, and to solve the above-mentioned issues, the creation of a specialized second opinion platform was considered.

Method: DTI collaborated with an existent medical communication platform (Medxat®). To suit the needs required, DTI developed original ODT contents to implement and became I-DTI. I-DTI is a web-app accessible second opinion platform specialized in ODT with a database server is encrypted with RAS using cloud technologies, all communications are sent through HTTPS(SSL/TLS) codified channels complying international data protection laws and ensuring confidentiality. Main function is the consultancy area, with forms developed under the supervision of experts in the field and DTI team. Consultancy topics are donation, transplantation, follow-up, tissues, and COVID-19 management. Also, to improve communication I-DTI offers instant messaging service among other social network features such as profile customisation and finder. Aiming to validate I-DTI as a functional tool, a pilot phase was performed from April to December 2020 in target countries such as: India (Kerala), Philippines, T&T and Sri Lanka with more than 60 healthcare professionals involved. Likewise, active dissemination was performed by DTI team by disseminating I-DTI in webinars, courses, congresses, and other events.

Results: During pilot phase period an average of 2 consultations per week were received, answered in average in less than 24 hours. COVID-19 related represented more than 50% of consultancies. At day, I-DTI has registered nearly 700 healthcare professionals from more than 25 countries and has more than 30 international experts collaborating to the consultancy area (Figure1). Also, has received more than 50 consultancies mainly from India, Philippines, but from European and South America countries as well. Most of the consultancies were donation management related, followed by patient follow-up and COVID-19 guidelines in ODT.

Conclusion: I-DTI proved great value for knowledge sharing and communication, an excellent tool to support professionals, especially in countries with no protocols defined or low income. Furthermore, due to its digitalization and data compilation nature, I-DTI opens ways for synergies with technological solutions for algorithm, blockchain and AI development as well as with academical entities.

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