417 - Mini-Oral Abstracts Session
Pediatric Transplantation

Wednesday September 14, 2022 | 12:00 to 13:00
Room: F
Track: Pediatric


For attending this session, you can claim 1 EACCME credits


Felicia Kjaernet, Sweden
Equal outcome and fewer complications with azathioprine compared to mycophenolate in pediatric first-time kidney transplantation: should current practice be re-evaluated?

Dr. Maria Julia Minetto, Argentina
Results of 922 pediatric liver transplants: prognostic factors, learning curve and impact on one-year survival.

Dario N Teran, Argentina
Pediatric liver transplantation: Twenty-five-year experience at a single center

Dr. Olga Gichkun, Russian Federation
Plasma level of TGF beta 1 is associated with the polymorphism rs1800469 of the TGFB1 gene in pediatric liver recipients

Dr. Alexandru Emil Baetu, Romania
One year survival comparison of deceased donor versus living donor hepatic pediatric transplantation. Meta-analysis

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