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P11.14 The use of ex vivo normothermic perfusion to 'pause' cold ischaemic time to allow for third recipient to be selected and undergo kidney transplant

Robert C Pearson, United Kingdom

Surgical Trainee
Renal transplantation
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital


The use of ex vivo normothermic perfusion to 'pause' cold ischaemic time to allow for third recipient to be selected and undergo kidney transplant

Robert Pearson1, Ellen Small1, Karen Stevenson1, John Asher1, Marc Clancy1.

1Renal Transplantation, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Introduction: On arrival to the hospital on receipt of a transplant offer, recipients can be found to be unfit precluding transplantation. In this instance, the graft is offered back to NHS Blood and Transplant. Grafts often, however, remain locally to reduce cold ischaemic time inherent in further relocation. When another suitable recipient is not found, and cold ischaemic time (CIT) increases to undesirable levels, grafts can unfortunately be deemed unusable.

Case Presentation: Herein we describe a case in which ex vivo normothermic perfusion (EVNP) facilitated the admittance of a third potential recipient for a 66yo DCDkidney. The first two allocated recipients who were deemed unfit: the first recipient was found to have an infected lower limb ulcer; the second patient was found to have raised inflammatory markers in the context of an aorto-bifemoral graft. At the time a third recipient (55yo, pre-dialysis) was selected the CIT on the graft was 19 hours. The patient was admitted to the ward and EVNP was used to ‘pause’/limit CIT in order for the patient to be prepared, assessed and consented for transplantation.

Outcome: EVNP assessment score = 1 (one hour perfusion duration), with excellent perfusion demonstrated and good urine output (>100ml); total CIT was 23 hours at in situ reperfusion. The patient was successfully transplanted and the graft achieved primary function with a creatinine of 166µmol at time of discharge. At 5 months the creatinine is 151µmol and eGFR 32mls/min/m2.

Discussion: Without EVNP this graft would have likely been discarded. Cold ischaemic time was effectively paused by the perfusion technology allowing the graft to be assessed and utilised, and ultimately prevented graft discard. EVNP offers a technique to improve organ utilisation.

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