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P11.16 Quality monitoring indicators in the process of organ and tissue donation for transplantation: a scoping review preliminary results

Rafael Rodrigo da Silva Pimentel, Brazil

PhD Candidate
Career Guidance Department
School of Nursing, University of São Paulo


Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course in the Management and Leadership disciplines I, II and III of the Albert Einstein Israelita Faculty of Health Sciences - FICSAE. PhD Candidate of Nursing Management of the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo (EEUSP). Specialist in residence modality in Nursing Services Management at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Nurse by the Cesumar University Center - UniCesumar. Did paid internship at the Organ Procurement Organization - OPO Maringá, linked to the State Transplant System of Paraná (SET/PR). Develops research and projects in the areas of: Management of actions and nursing and health services, Evaluation and Quality in Health, Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation.


Quality monitoring indicators in the process of organ and tissue donation for transplantation: a scoping review preliminary results

Rafael Rodrigo da Silva Pimentel1, Daisy Maria Rizatto Tronchin1, Marcelo José dos Santos1, Maristela Santini Martins1, Fabiana Lopes Pereira Santana1, Ágata Nunes Brito1.

1Professional Guidance, University of São Paulo School of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil

Introduction: Organ and tissue donation programs for transplantation are complex and have characteristics of a multifactorial nature, with regard to management and treatment. Given the importance of the availability of organs and tissues, as well as the aspects of measuring efficiency and effectiveness in this process, it is essential to evaluate, monitor and demonstrate the quality of these programs. However, there seems to be no consensus on the specific and sensitive indicators that should be used for this purpose. The objective of the study is to map and analyze the scientific literature on indicators for monitoring the quality of the organ and tissue donation process for transplantation.

Inclusion criteria: Studies that present the concept of interest were included: indicators for quality monitoring to assess the process of organ and tissue donation from brain-dead donors. Primary and secondary surveys were considered using any method, from both white and gray literature and in any language, from 1980 to May 2021.

Methods: The review was carried out following the methodology proposed by the JBI for scope reviews. Databases, portals and directories searched include: MEDLINE (Pubmed), CINAHL (EBSCO), Embase (Elsevier), Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Business Source Complete (EBSCO), Virtual VHL Health Library ; and gray literature were searched on Google Scholar, national and international theses and dissertation libraries and on the websites of organ and tissue donation and transplantation organizations and quality. Triage of studies was performed in pairs, paying attention to eligibility criteria. Data were extracted using specific variables and presented in categories according to the evaluative triad structure, process and result and by the pillars of quality proposed by Avedis Donabedian and the Institute Of Medicine (IOM), in the form of diagrams, tables , frames and narrative synthesis.

Preliminary results: 2,810 records were identified in databases, websites, portals and directories. Of these 2,249 (80.0%) records, titles and abstracts were read after the identification of duplicates, and 137 (4.9%) documents were included for the second stage of reading the full text. After reading and searching for references, 36 (1.3%) documents were included in the final result of the review. 405 mentions of quality indicators were identified, most of them published by Spain and the United States.

Conclusion: There is great variation in the nomenclature and definition of quality indicators in organ donation. A deficit was identified in the availability of information on the indicators.

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