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P9.11 Survival of liver transplant patients from 2010 to 2022 belonging to the public financing program of CUCAIBA as an institution of the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires Argentina

Florencia Hernandez, Argentina

Subsidios y Auditoria


Survival of liver transplant patients from 2010 to 2022 belonging to the public financing program of CUCAIBA as an institution of the ministry of health of Buenos Aires Argentina

Florencia Hernandez1, Gabriela Nanni4, Roman Sacco2, Marta Saparrat3.

1Subsidios y Auditoria, Cucaiba, La Plata, Argentina; 2Subsidios y Auditoria, Cucaiba, La Plata, Argentina; 3Subsidios y Auditoria, Cucaiba, La Plata, Argentina; 4Dirección de Gestión Científico Técnica, Cucaiba, La Plata, Argentina

Introduction: Liver transplantation is the therapy of choice for patients with end-stage liver disease, which has been shown to improve life expectancy and quality of life. Currently, the long-term survival of liver transplant recipients under the public financing program of CUCAIBA as an institution of the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires province in Argentina, is unkown. The objective of this work is to determine the overall survival, at one year and at 5 years, of the patients transplanted under the Transplant Financing Organism Program (EFTO). Secondly, to determine the causes that leads to liver transplantation as well as its relationship with long-term mortality.

Method: All transplant patients from 2010 to 2022 belonging to the EFTO were included in the analysis. Retrospective data analysis was performed. The data were obtained using the database of the National Procurement and Transplant Information System of Argentine (SINTRA), the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER), and the CUCAIBA Drugs Program (PROMECU). All the data collected were checked by telephone with the patients included in the analysis.

Results: 202 liver transplants performed from 2010 to 2022 were included in the analysis. The average age was 39 years with a range of 0 to 65 years. The distribution by sex was 55.9% men and 44.1% women. After the analysis, an overall survival of 60.4% was obtained. Survival at one year was 77.7% and 49.6% at 5 years. Regarding the causes that led to the need for liver transplantation, it was observed that unknown cirrhosis occurred in 22.8%, alcoholic cirrhosis in 19.8%, fulminant liver failure in 18.3%, autoimmune cirrhosis in 10, 9% neoplasms 4.5% and liver disease due to C virus 3%. In the analysis of the relationship between the causes of transplantation and long-term mortality, it was seen that 27.2% of deaths occurred in patients with unknown cirrhosis, 20% in fulminant liver failure, 17.5% in cirrhosis alcoholic and 12.5% ​​in autoimmune cirrhosis.

Conclusion: Overall and long-term survival in post-liver transplant patients under the CUCAIBA Transplant Financing Organism Program (EFTO) was 60.4%, 77.7% at one year and 49.6% at 5 years. Although it is beyond the objectives of this work to analyze the causes of mortality, the impact of the causes of this vulnerable population of socio-economic level, the degree of illness they present and the lack of access to medical check-ups, among others, remains for future analyses, which affect the sample in the long-term result.

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