P11 - Poster Session
Organ Donation and Procurement

Monday September 12, 2022 | 17:35 to 18:35
Room: TBD
Track: Organ Donation and Procurement


Dr. Altantulga Bayaraa, Mongolia
Increasing the consent for Brain death donor family members

Dr. Ashish Sharma, India
Application of ex-vivo normothermic machine perfusion to assess renal allograft viability following renal vein thrombosis

Dr. Carolina Gabriela Genovese, Argentina
Access to kidney and liver transplantation in the adult and pediatric population: Interference of Argentine legislation

Dr. Adriana Procupet Blaustein, Argentina
Evolution and impact of regional investment projects on public offer of organ procurement and transplantation in Argentina: an analysis from 2008 to 2021

Miss Teresa Danek, Poland
Monitoring of organ donation potential from brain dead donors in Polish hospitals using web-tooled system of monitoring ICU deaths www.koordinator.net, taking into account the stratification of hospitals with the donation potential.

Dr. José Emiliano Alfonso Sr., Argentina
HTK vs WISCONSIN and Delayed Renal Graft Function

Dr. Marian Irazabal, Spain
International Registry in Organ Donation and Transplantation (IRODAT) – 2021 Worldwide data

Dr. Iago Justo, Spain
New technique for the extraction of abdominal wall grafts

Miss Mina Lee, Korea
Changes of Brain Death Donors for recent 10 years in Korea (Based on Organ Transplantation Law)

Mrs. Klaudia Nestorowicz-Kałużna, Poland
Organization of Organ and Bone Marrow Donation and Transplantation in Poland

Miss Romina Perez Manelli, Argentina
DONASUR: Descriptive analysis of 11 years of Argentina's participation

Dr. Rafael Rodrigo da Silva Pimentel, Brazil
Quality monitoring indicators in the process of organ and tissue donation for transplantation: a scoping review preliminary results

Dr. Marco Sacchi, Italy
Sustaining life after brain death during pregnancy: a case report

Shaifali Sandal, Canada
System-Level Barriers to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Health Professionals

Mr. Ki Dong Song, Korea
Detailed analysis of autopsies on brain-dead organ donors

Ms. Wenche Stribolt, Sweden
Appointed donor responsible doctor and donor responsible nurse increase organ transplantation in Sweden

Dr. Mitzi R Becerra, Mexico
18-Year Follow-Up Of Kidney Donation In The Living Donor Transplant Program At A Reference Pediatric Hospital

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