415 - Oral Abstracts Session
Ischemia/reperfusion injury 1

Wednesday September 14, 2022 | 12:00 to 13:00
Room: D
Track: Basic and Translational Sciences


For attending this session, you can claim 1 EACCME credits


Dr. Gannon McGrath, United States
Ischemia minimization improves cardiac function in an ex vivo xeno working heart model

Mr. John Black, United Kingdom
A proof of principle study of cell targeted delivery of siRNA guided by innate repair receptor EPOR/betacR highly expressed by injured tubular epithelial cells in porcine kidneys subjected to extended cold ischaemic times

Luke VanOsdol, United States
Exploring cell-specific mechanisms of ischemia/reperfusion injury mediated reactivation of cytomegalovirus from latency in the orthotopic mouse lung transplantation

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