404 - Oral Abstracts Session
Immune regulation and tolerance 2

Wednesday September 14, 2022 | 08:00 to 09:30
Room: C5
Track: Basic and Translational Sciences


For attending this session, you can claim 1.5 EACCME credits


Prof. Elmar Jaeckel, Canada
Membrane-bound IL-2 improves expansion, survival, phenotype and function of CAR Tregs and confers resistance to calcineurin-inhibitors

Dr. Takayuki Hirose, United States
Successful induction of hematopoietic chimerism by dual inhibition of MCL-1 and Bcl-2 without myeloablative treatments in nonhuman primates

Miss Marie Sion, United Kingdom
Investigating iron limitation in tolerance and regulatory T cells' dynamic iron requirements

Ms. Céline Sérazin, France
Expression of TNFR2 and CD29 define a highly suppressive subset of human CD8+ T regulatory cells

Dr. Michael Nicosia, United States
The role of LAG3 in antibody responses to kidney transplantation

Dr. Chiyoshi Toyama, Japan
The suppression of macrophage-mediated intestinal transplant rejection by C5a receptor antagonist

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