08:00 11:30 |
TTS Ethics Committee and DICG Workshop: Transplantation In the Context of Migration and Refugees F (Pre-Confirmed Attendees Only) |
08:00 14:30 |
Pre-Congress: Post-Graduate Course - Basic Science C1 This course is ticketed and available in-person and virtually. Tickets are USD 35/each and include refreshments and boxed lunch for in-person attendees. Seats are limited, and pre-registration is required. To purchase your ticket, sign-in and access your registration profile, or email info@tts2022.org for assistance. The course is divided into five sessions. Click on each session for full detailsThe BasicsClick here for Full Session Details Prof. Steven H Sacks, United Kingdom Anna Valujskikh, United States Gavin Pettigrew, United Kingdom B cells and beyondClick here for Full Session Details Dr. David Rush, Canada Dr. Aravind Cherukuri, United States Dr. Lori West, Canada Trending topics in basic scienceClick here for Full Session Details Prof. Niels Olsen S Camara, Brazil Dr. Alexandra R Lucas, United States Fadi Issa, United Kingdom Grant WritingClick here for Full Session Details Prof. John J Fung, United States Dr. Mara McAdams-Demarco, United States Prof. John J Fung, United States Prof. Germaine Wong, Australia Prof. Germaine Wong, Australia Dr. Mara McAdams-Demarco, United States Prof. Germaine Wong, Australia Prof. John J Fung, United States Research and manuscriptClick here for Full Session Details Elmi Muller, South Africa Roslyn B. Mannon, United States Elmi Muller, South Africa Roslyn B. Mannon, United States Elmi Muller, South Africa Jeremy Chapman, Australia Roslyn B. Mannon, United States Jeremy Chapman, Australia |
08:00 14:30 |
Pre-Congress: Post-Graduate Course - Clinical Science C2 This course is ticketed and available in-person and virtually. Tickets are USD 35/each and include refreshments and boxed lunch for in-person attendees. Seats are limited, and pre-registration is required. To purchase your ticket, sign-in and access your registration profile, or email info@tts2022.org for assistance. The course is divided into five sessions. Click on each session for full detailsImmunosuppression and immunologyClick here for Full Session Details Robert Liwski, Canada Milagros Samaniego-Picota, United States Dr. Robert Montgomery, United States Challenging cases in transplantation - a case based discussionClick here for Full Session Details Marcelo Cantarovich, Canada Shaifali Sandal, Canada Fernando Cairo, Argentina Prof. Jaeseok Yang, Korea Contemporary topics in transplantationClick here for Full Session Details Deepali Kumar, Canada Deirdre Sawinski, United States Julie Heimbach, United States Grant writingClick here for Full Session Details Prof. John J Fung, United States Dr. Mara McAdams-Demarco, United States Prof. John J Fung, United States Prof. Germaine Wong, Australia Prof. Germaine Wong, Australia Dr. Mara McAdams-Demarco, United States Prof. Germaine Wong, Australia Prof. John J Fung, United States Research and manuscriptClick here for Full Session Details Elmi Muller, South Africa Roslyn B. Mannon, United States Elmi Muller, South Africa Roslyn B. Mannon, United States Elmi Muller, South Africa Jeremy Chapman, Australia Roslyn B. Mannon, United States Jeremy Chapman, Australia |
08:00 14:30 |
Pre-Congress: International Pediatric Transplant Association C4 This workshop is ticketed and available in-person and virtually. Tickets are USD 35/each and include refreshments and boxed lunch for in-person attendees. Seats are limited, and pre-registration is required. To purchase your ticket, sign-in and access your registration profile, or email info@tts2022.org for assistance. The course is divided into four sessions. Click on each session for full detailsLifelong immunosuppression reductionClick here for Full Session Details Dr. Mara Medeiros, Mexico Paula Schaiquevich, Argentina Amy Gallo, United States Donors for pediatric recipientsClick here for Full Session Details Malcolm MacConmara, United States Katsuhide Maeda, United States C. Andrew Bonham, United States Christine Hwang, United States Enrico Benedetti, United States Perioperative considerations in pediatric solid organ transplantationClick here for Full Session Details Julianne Mendoza, United States Ms. MIhaela A Damian, United States C. Andrew Bonham, United States Katsuhide Maeda, United States Multiorgan transplantationsClick here for Full Session Details Dr. Linda Cendales, United States Carlos O. Esquivel, United States Angi Wall, United States |
08:00 15:30 |
Pre-Congress: World Transplant Games Federation C3 This workshop is ticketed and available in-person and virtually. Tickets are USD 35/each and include refreshments and boxed lunch for in-person attendees. Seats are limited, and pre-registration is required. To purchase your ticket, sign-in and access your registration profile, or email info@tts2022.org for assistance. The course is divided into three sessions. Click on each session for full detailsHow we encourage more people to believe in organ donationClick here for Full Session Details Chris Thomas, Australia Mr. Gerardo Reyna, Spain Mrs. Ashleigh Duran, United States Chris Thomas, Australia Dr. Edith A. Martin, Colombia How we help recipients live an active lifeClick here for Full Session Details Mr. Gerardo Reyna, Spain Chris Thomas, Australia Prof. Carlos Alberto Lirio, Argentina Transplant care and exercise programs for youthClick here for Full Session Details Mrs. Ashleigh Duran, United States Prof. Ezequiel Correas Espeche, Argentina Prof. Carlos Alberto Lirio, Argentina Mr. Hernan Sachero, Argentina |
08:00 14:45 |
Pre-Congress: Improving donation practices for better transplant systems D This workshop is ticketed and available in-person and virtually. Tickets are USD 45/each and include refreshments and boxed lunch for in-person attendees. Seats are limited, and pre-registration is required. To purchase your ticket, sign-in and access your registration profile, or email info@tts2022.org for assistance. Through the use of new learning technologies, this workshop is designed to learn through the best methodology available: practice. Using clinical simulation, video games and virtual reality, you will learn about the main aspects of the deceased donation clinical process. Join the workshop to experience how it is like to be a key donation person!
The course is divided into four sessions. Click on each session for full details
08:00 09:30 |
Pre-Congress: WTGF: How we encourage more people to believe in organ donation C3 |
102 |
09:30 10:30 |
Pre-Congress: WTGF: How we help recipients live an active life C3 |
112 |
08:00 09:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC basic science: The basics C1 |
100 |
08:00 09:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC clinical: Immunosuppression and immunology C2 |
101 |
08:00 09:00 |
Pre-Congress: IPTA: Lifelong immunosuppression reduction C4 |
103 |
08:00 09:00 |
Pre-Congress: Immersive experience: Welcome and general introduction D |
104 |
09:00 10:30 |
Pre-Congress: Immersive experience: Donor detection and evaluation D |
105 |
09:00 10:30 |
Pre-Congress: IPTA: Donors for pediatric recipients C4 |
109 |
09:30 10:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC basic science: B cells and beyond C1 |
110 |
09:30 10:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC clinical: Challenging cases in transplantation - a case based discussion C2 |
111 |
10:30 11:00 |
Coffee Break: Coffee Break TBD |
11:00 12:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC basic science: Trending topics in basic science C1 |
120 |
11:00 12:30 |
Pre-Congress: WTGF: Transplant care and exercise programs for youth C3 |
122 |
11:00 12:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC clinical: Contemporary topics in transplantation C2 |
121 |
11:00 12:30 |
Pre-Congress: IPTA: Perioperative considerations in pediatric solid organ transplantation C4 |
123 |
11:00 12:30 |
Pre-Congress: Immersive experience: Brain death and donor management D |
124 |
11:00 12:30 |
Pre-Congress: Top reasons to choose transplantation as a career E |
125 |
13:00 14:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC: Grant writing C1 |
130 |
13:00 14:30 |
Pre-Congress: PGC: Research and manuscript C2 |
131 |
13:00 14:30 |
Pre-Congress: IPTA: Multiorgan transplantations C4 |
133 |
13:00 14:20 |
Pre-Congress: Immersive experience: Family approach for organ donation D |
134 |
13:00 15:00 |
Pre-Congress: The role of patient organizations in organ donation and transplantation E |
140 |
14:20 15:00 |
Pre-Congress: Immersive experience: Debriefing and Panel Discussions D |
135 |
15:05 16:45 |
Pre-Congress: The influence of religion on organ transplantation E |
145 |
16:30 17:30 |
Industry Symposium: Organ Protection: Paths to the future D Organized by Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH ![]() |
17:30 18:30 |
Industry Symposium: You gotta have HOPE C1 Organized by Bridge to Life ![]() |
17:30 18:30 |
Innovative approaches for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in high risk populations E (Organized by AstraZeneca) |
17:30 18:30 |
Industry Symposium C1 |
16:30 17:30 |
Industry Symposium C3 |
16:30 18:00 |
Workshop Session: Allocation and Optimization of Donors at High Risk for Delayed Graft Function C3 |
230 |
17:30 18:30 |
Industry Symposium C2 |
17:30 18:30 |
Industry Symposium E |
18:30 20:00 |
Opening ceremony and keynote address A |
21:00 22:30 |
"Burden of Genius" movie screening A |