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Dr. Ariel Alejandro Antik Sr., Argentina Waiting list and post-transplant outcomes in children and young adults with liver transplantation: an analysis of the Information Registry and Management System of Argentina(SINTRA)
Aydincan Akdur, Turkey Vascular complications in pediatric liver transplants and their management
Dr. David C Cron, United States An analysis of deceased donor liver offers to adolescent compared to young adult liver transplant candidates
Gokhan Moray, Turkey Predisposing risk factors in liver transplants younger than 3 years
Dr. Maria Florencia D'Arielli, Argentina Measurement of Quality of Life in Adolescent Transplanted Patients: a necessary approach.
Dr. Takeo Toshima, Japan Osteopenia predicts posttransplant survival among living-donor liver transplant recipients
Dr. Nishimaki Hiroyasu, Japan The effect of short-term inhalation of isoflurane on the outcomes of intraportal hepatocyte transplantation
Dr. Yi-Zhou Jiang, People's Republic of China The impact of immunosuppression level on liver allograft fibrosis after pediatric liver transplantation
Miss Maria Velayos, Spain Sequential abdominal closure after pediatric lateral left side segment hepatic transplantation
Dr. Takahiro Tomiyama, Japan Up-regulated LRRN2 expression as a marker for graft quality in living donor liver