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P11.15 DONASUR: Descriptive analysis of 11 years of Argentina's participation

Romina Perez Manelli, Argentina

professional lawyer
INCUCAI international relations


DONASUR: descriptive analysis of 11 years of Argentina's participation

Romina Perez Manelli1, Martin Torres1, Sergio Madera1, Roxana Fontana2, Daniela Hansen Krog3, Carlos Soratti4.

1International Relations, Department of Institutional Relations and Communication, INCUCAI, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2Department of Institutional Relations and Communication, INCUCAI, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; 3Department of Information Technologies and Systems, INCUCAI, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; 4INCUCAI, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Introduction: DONASUR is the official registry of donation and transplant activity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Argentina, through INCUCAI, has participated since its inception. The project was presented in 2011 at the XXX Meeting of Health Ministers of MERCOSUR and was approved by the heads of the region's national health portfolios. We propose to carry out a diagnosis of the situation on the participation of Argentina in creation, maintenance and growth over the last 11 years.

Methods: Descriptive study on the participation of Argentina in DONASUR between the years 2005 to 2021.

Results: Argentina began uploading data to DONASUR in 2013. Thanks to the computer system for administration, management, supervision and consultation of the activity of procurement and transplantation of organs, tissues and cells at the national level (SINTRA), it was able to retrospectively upload since 2005. SINTRA information was downloaded in Excel format and imported into DONASUR, with subsequent validation and quality control. Currently, a consolidated team within the Information Technology and Systems Directorate of INCUCAI is in charge of uploading data to DONASUR. Throughout 11 years of active participation, Argentina has entered 16 years of history, which translates into 17,106 donors, 41,432 transplants, 688 establishments throughout the country where ablations were performed and 229 where transplants are performed.

Conclusion: Argentina has managed to participate continuously thanks to a computer system that facilitates the search and upload of data, where SINTRA represents a fundamental tool for an efficient upload.

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