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P5.06 Health Professional Education

Battsetseg Gonchigjav, Mongolia

Organ, tissue, cell transplantation department
Ministry of Health


Health professional education

Battsetseg Gonchigjav1, Altantulga Bayaraa1, Badamsuren Yadam1,2, Batchuluun Pandaan1,2.

1Organ tissue transplantation, Ministry of Health, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; 2Regulatory department of Organs, tissues, cells transplantation, Center for Health Development, MOH, Center for Health Development, MOH, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Background & Aim: Currently, we have two main transplantation hospitals and three donor hospitals in Mongolia. Due to growing demand for transplantation and continuous rise on waiting list requires higher knowledge and proper attitude toward organ donation among healthcare staff in Mongolia. We conducted surveys among five subspecialty state hospitals in November 2018. Donor law was revised and enforced since February 2018.

Purpose: Since January 2020 Covid -19 pandemy, most training activities completely stopped. Therefore, we aimed to provide management  updates for our healthcare staff and senior medical students.

Material and Method: Power point presentation lecture based classroom education will cover the basic information about organ transplantation, donor card, brain death donor determination, donation and Istanbul Declaration. The our target 5 and 6 th year medical students will given one hour lesson with a companying brochure about the donor legislations, transplantation program, data, benefits of the organ and tissue donation. Case discussion will be our main training method for medical staff at transplant and donor hospitals. Hands on training will be organized on new donor hospitals.

Findings: Brain deceased donor determination team members from main donor hospitals will be our trainees for the newly established team and hospitals. Foreign consultants will share their extensive experience with our pancreas, heart transplant team doctors and tendon, skin graft and cornea team doctors.

Conclusion: In order to expand our deceased donor pool and improve public knowledge and attitude toward organ donation in Mongolia, we need to train doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff more frequently. As of March 2022, we have 55600 healthcare staff and more than 15000 medical students. They can provide the accurate information to their family members, friends and communities as our main public education resources. Also, it will help to strength our transplant team work and provide positive impact on newly established other transplant program development and progress.

Presentations by Battsetseg Gonchigjav

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