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P5.15 Build-up on school education program to nurture the value of sharing and deceased organ donation for youth in Korea

Jieun Oh, Korea

Associate Professor
Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University


Build-up on school education program to nurture the value of sharing and deceased organ donation for youth in Korea

Jieun Oh1,3, Ji-Yeon Lee2, Mi-ae Kam2, Hyo-Sook Yoon2, Sun-Hee Shin2, Soohyeon Seo3, Hee-Jung Jeon1,3, Curie Ahn3,4.

1Internal Medicine, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea; 2Educators striving for Happiness in Education, Seoul, Korea; 3Vitallink (, Seoul, Korea; 4Internal Medicine, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea

Introduction: In order to form a social consensus on deceased organ donation, it is necessary not only to promote through events, but also to nurture the value of sharing and understand deceased organ donation by school education.

Methods: Vitallink, an NGO established by medical professionals, has built network with school teachers since 2015 and developed a guidebook and built four-hour class program. The guidebook called ‘The Seed of Hope, the Fruit of Sharing’ is composed of 14 chapters, the first part of which deals with the value of sharing and the latter part consists of understanding of deceased organ donation. In 2019, Vitallink collaborated with teachers to conduct the ‘Sharing & Life-sharing’ classes based on the guidebook and did a brief survey (5 questions) after class in one high-school. During the covid-19, school education had been converted to online, so the education was revised accordingly to four-hour class ‘Respect for Life’, which was composed of loving myself, empathizing and coexisting with others, and practicing sharing. Teachers who developed this program conducted pilot classes in elementary and middle schools. In February 2022, we held the zoom symposium on the four-hour class program for teachers, and then conducted a 7-item questionnaire.

Results: A total of 120 high-school students participated in ‘Sharing & Life-sharing’ classes and 115 students responded the 5-question survey. Only 41 percent students replied they have heard of deceased organ donation to some extent and 69 percent of students answered that they felt need of this education. In February 2022, twenty-five teachers participated in the zoom symposium and sixteen completed the 7-item survey. Most of the participants (87.5%) said that this four-hour of ‘Respect for Life’ class at school were necessary for their students and 81% of teachers said they would be willing to conduct this program at school.

Conclusions: We have experienced positive changes in our lives while developing this Sharing & Life Sharing education program. If this program is established in schools, the culture of deceased organ donation is expected to change positively with time and be put into practice.

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