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Yi-Zhou Jiang, People's Republic of China

Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University

Dr. Yi-Zhou Jiang is now a PhD candidate and also a resident in the Liver Transplantation Center and department of critical liver disease of Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University. She has been under the tutelage of Professor Li-Ying Sun, a pioneer of transplant clinician in mainland China and also a member of the ILTS Committee of Anesthesia/ Critical Care & The Acute Liver Failure Special Interest Group, and engaged in liver transplant critical care and perioperative management since 2018. She, and the whole team is currently focused on the issues affecting long-term survival including liver graft fibrosis in transplant recipients, and management of inherited metabolic liver diseases both in clinical and basic research. Until now, she has published several scientific research papers as the first author and participated in IPTA and ILTS as oral/poster abstract presenter for several times.

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