402 - Workshop Session
Expanding the donor pool

Wednesday September 14, 2022 | 08:00 to 09:30
Room: C3
Track: N/A

Learning Objectives

After this session, the attendees should be able to:
1) Define expanded criteria donors in liver transplantation
2)  Assess methods for determining organ suitability
3)  Review data on the use of machine perfusion to improve liver allograft utilization


Prof. Lucas McCormack, Argentina
Transplanting expanded criteria donor livers

Dr. Wojciech Polak, Netherlands
How to assess suitability of the liver during organ recovery: the eye of the surgeon vs the microscope

Christina Schleicher, Germany
How to assess suitability of the liver during organ recovery: the eye of the surgeon vs the microscope

Dr. Markus Selzner, Canada
Current role of machine perfusion to increase liver utilization

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