304 - State-of-the-Art Session
New developments in heart transplantation

Tuesday September 13, 2022 | 08:00 to 09:30
Room: C5
Track: Thoracic


For attending this session, you can claim 1.5 EACCME credits

Learning Objectives

After the session the attendees will be able to:
1. face the beginning of a DCD program
2. to monitor heart transplantation with non invasive studies
3. select patients for short-term circulatory support as a bridge to transplantation


Dr. Jacob N Schroder, United States
Cardiac donor expansion: how to start a DCD program

Fabiana Marcondes-Braga, Brazil
Non-invasive tools for post-transplant monitoring

Dr. Daniel Oscar Absi, Argentina
Short term bridging for heart transplantation

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