- Industry Symposium
Combining Blood Gene Expression Biomarkers and dd-cfDNA

Monday September 12, 2022 | 17:35 to 18:35
Room: A
Track: N/A

Organized by Eurofins Transplant Genomics


At this event, we will be hosting John Friedewald, MD, FAST, FASN from Northwestern University’s Comprehensive Transplant Center as he discusses non-invasive genetic biomarkers. These biomarkers offer transplant teams a clinically-valid alternative to surveillance biopsies for detecting incipient rejection. This presentation will explore the use of a novel panel of complementary biomarkers (the OmniGraf™ rejection biomarker panel, from Eurofins Transplant Diagnostics) through a discussion of several case studies where biomarker guidance informed intervention and improved outcomes.


Dr. John Friedewald, United States

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