P17 - Poster Session
Xenotransplantation / Cell and Tissue Banking

Monday September 12, 2022 | 17:35 to 18:35
Room: TBD
Track: N/A


Mr. Kyungmin Kwak, Korea
Quadruple KO porcine adult pancreatic islet induced long-term xenograft survival in diabetic mice

Dr. Chika Takano, Japan
Comparison of laboratory- and clinical-grade reagents in isolation and cultivation of human amniotic epithelial cells

Dr. Chiyoshi Toyama, Japan
Escape from macrophage-mediated rejection by human surfactant protein (SP) -A

Prof. Ik Jin Yun, Korea
Comparison of graft survival between full thickness and lamellar pig-to-monkey corneal xenotransplantation from the same genetically engineered pig with minimal immunosuppression.

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