333 - Mini-Oral Abstracts Session
Living donor and pediatric liver transplant: new techniques and results

Tuesday September 13, 2022 | 16:25 to 17:25
Room: C4
Track: Liver


For attending this session, you can claim 1 EACCME credits


Dr. Ariel Alejandro Antik Sr., Argentina
Waiting list and post-transplant outcomes in children and young adults with liver transplantation: an analysis of the Information Registry and Management System of Argentina(SINTRA)

Aydincan Akdur, Turkey
Vascular complications in pediatric liver transplants and their management

Dr. David C Cron, United States
An analysis of deceased donor liver offers to adolescent compared to young adult liver transplant candidates

Gokhan Moray, Turkey
Predisposing risk factors in liver transplants younger than 3 years

Dr. Maria Florencia D'Arielli, Argentina
Measurement of Quality of Life in Adolescent Transplanted Patients: a necessary approach.

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