Jasper Iske, Germany

Resident in Cardiac Surgery
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin

Jasper Iske studied medicine at Hannover Medical School in Germany.

Within the framework of his medical doctoral thesis in the Transplantation Immunology Department of the MHH, supervised by Prof. Dr. S. Christine Falk, he studied the early involvement of lymphocytes in the rejection process of transplanted hearts.

After completion of his thesis, he specialized in the field of transplant immunology studying the influence of the aging process on the clinical success of heart transplantation, especially on mouse models, as a fellow under the supervision of Prof. Stefan G. Tullius in the Transplantation Surgery Department of Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Since then, he has been able to make significant contributions to the body of basic knowledge on age-specific ischemia-reperfusion injury, the allo-immune response against aged organs, and age-adapted immunosuppression with great success. As a highlight, he has pioneered work on the use of senolytics in the context of heart transplantation in a mouse model improving graft survival of older organs to that of young counterparts.



Sessions chaired by Jasper Iske

When Session Room
16:25 - 17:25
Oral Abstracts Session — Immune regulation and tolerance 1 C2

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