Ilka FSF Boin, Brazil

Full Professor
Unit of Liver Transplantation
University of Campinas

Bachelor's at Medicina from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1979), Master's at Surgery from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1991) and Doctorate at Surgery from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1997), PhD in Transplantationj and Liver Surgery (2007), Full Professor at Surgical Dept at School of Medicine - State University of Campinas(2014). Has experience in Medicine, focusing on Gastroenterologic Surgery, acting on the following subjects:  liver transplantation, microchimerism, infection, nutrition, phisyotherapy, hemotherapy and cellular terapy correlating to transplantation. Brazilian Joournal of Transplantantion Chef Editor-in-Chief, Member of  Brazilian Liver Transplant Chamber, Member of Sao Paulo Liver transplant Chamber

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