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Ezequiel Lo Cane, Argentina

Inspiration driven innovator.
MultiplicateX7 & Casa Justina

I am exploring new challenges with difficult objectives. I havedeveloped and managed projects in several countries at LATAM, inprivate and public spheres, in times of crisis or tension, with differenttypes of professionals, large teams - among 300 and also smaller -and I have obtained quick and unexpected successes.My inspiration to innovate comes from the experiences, failures,improvements and learning from my personal and professional life.

Innovating business leveraged by the digital world. Identifying newopportunities. Establishing new ways to achieve better revenue results.Improving engagement on audiences, revenue incomes and brand positioning.Leading IoT, eCommerce, Artificial Intelligence, Drones, mobile & Digitalprojects in different regional industries. Inspired by my personal andprofessional experiences, failures, improvements and learning on such as:Disney, San Miguel, intel, P&G, SAP, Huawei, Gador, Philip Morris, Roche andothers.

MultiplicateX7, Ley Justina & Casa Justina. Trasplant & Social Solidarity Innovation, co-founder with Justina andmain leader.August 2017 - Present

My daughter Justina, in August of 2017 with 12 years old, was waiting fora heart transplant to continue with her life. She knew that she needed anew heart to continue living. Even so, she inspired me to do something foreveryone waiting for an organ transplant. She asked me "Daddy, let's helpeveryone we can". This is how # MultiplicateX7 was born, to raise awarenessabout organ donation, simplify and improve what is within our reach. Justinadid not receive the heart and moved to another plane in November of 2017.Although she is with us and lives in MultiplicateX7. I simply try to leadhis mission: "help everyone we can" along with a team of specialists incommunication, law, medicine and innovation.



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